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Writer's pictureTashna Morris

Top 10 car essentials for girls

What would you do if your car broke down and you had to wait for help? What if it was raining when you went to change your tyre? Could you still find your way if your phone ran out of battery? Part of the freedom that comes with driving is being prepared when the unexpected happens.

Girls – forget the lists telling you to fill your car with foundation, makeup wipes and hair clips. While those are all essentials in some way, they aren’t going to get your car back on the road if it breaks down. Whether you’re a girl or a guy, the following items are essential in every car:


From calling for help to navigating to safety, your phone can get you out of most jams. You never know when you’ll need to recharge it though, so have a phone charger that lives in your car. You can purchase one that plugs into your cigarette lighter relatively cheaply.


More than ever we’re relying on our phones to direct us, but what happens if we lose reception or battery? It always seems to be that the places with no coverage are the places where you need a map most! Keeping a physical map as a backup can be a lifesaver.


It doesn’t have to be a full hospital in a bag, but it’s a good idea to have some plasters, paracetamol, antiseptic cream and feminine hygiene products in your glove box.

4. Bottled water


If you get stuck somewhere and you’re unable to buy water, you’ll be glad you put some in the car (even though it will likely be warmer than you’d like). It could also come in handy if your engine overheats.

5. Tissues


In a word, convenient. Think spills, eating on road trips and the dreaded flu season.

6. Spare change


Having spare change in your car can come in handy for parking machines, buying necessities or if your wallet gets stolen. While you don’t want your life savings in your car (especially not on show), it’s good to have a little change in your glove box.


Even if you always have a charger and a torch on your phone, a small torch in your boot can be invaluable if you find yourself caught in the dark trying to change a flat tyre.


If you’re stranded, a towels or blankets can help you keep warm, and if you find yourself driving in snow, they can also be put under tyres for traction to pull your car out of icy situations.


If you have a flat battery, these will help you get it going again – provided someone is nice enough to stop and offer their engine to get you started.


This is more about convenience than anything else. There’s nothing worse than having the skies open on your way out or even on your way home. You can get cheap umbrellas and raincoats and keep them in your boot, you know, for a rainy day…

Whether you stock your car with all of these items or just a few, it’s the first step to being more prepared on the road.

This article was first published on

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